Wednesday 4 September 2013

Blog 15

A. Blog entry – 13/07/2013 - adding effects to buttons on adobe flash professional (improved)

 B. Development work 

I opened up adobe flash professional and selected file, open, this then took my to my documents I navigated to my unit 11 IMP folder and selected my front end form flash file and I pressed open. This then opened up my front end into flash. I double clicked one of my buttons, then it showed a different menu on my timeline which allowed me to edit the button to change the effects that are on it. I  right clicked on the up option and selecting insert a key frame, this then added an effect to the button. I also wanted another effect so I added a key frame on hit option, the button now has multiple effects on it. I repeated this with all of my buttons so that they would get the same effect to keep consistency throughout all of my buttons. The effect I used was when the button is hovered over the button will light up and go a lighter blue. This will work on all of my buttons throughout all of my forms including the fixed buttons which are to the right of the forms such as games, videos, website, gallery and main menu buttons. Also I added the button effects on the buttons which are on the individual form such as all the video scene buttons and all the different games such as the scratch game button and the quiz game button. I then tested all the buttons to make sure that they all have the effect applied onto them. I did this by exporting the file and entering the viewing screen of the whole IMP. I then navigated through all of the forms to make sure the buttons had effects working on them.

C. How the development work will fit into the brief 
In my client brief I said that I would make the IMP interactive and also I said that my IMP would have different screens for the different information, Also it said to make the IMP user friendly by adding buttons to the forms it will be easier for users to navigate around the IMP. Also I made the IMP more appealing by adding effects to the buttons. Section C of the client brief I said I want it to impact the target audience and I want to attract potential students, by adding effects to buttons it will help me to succeed that target.


D. Skills table reference number  25

Blog 14

A. Blog entry – 12/07/2013 - adding a shape to stage on adobe flash professional 

 B. Development work 

To add a shape I opened up adobe flash professional and navigated through my unit 11 IMP folder until I found my front end form flash document, I opened the document. I then clicked on the rectangle tool which when right clicked more options are shown, I chose the rectangle tool and selected the colour blue to fit in with the rest of the forms. I then constructed a rectangle by holding down the mouse and dragging until I made the rectangle to suit my needs. I then copied and pasted the rectangle so there were the two rectangles that were identical. I then put one either side of the form to make it look appealing and so there was two blue rectangle either side of a white space, I did this by deselecting the rectangle tool and selecting the arrow tool which allowed me to move the two rectangles. I then added another rectangle by selecting the rectangle tool again and dragging the mouse until I made another rectangle which was a lot bigger than the previous two. I deselected the rectangle tool and selected the arrow tool. I moved this rectangle in between the other two rectangles  this rectangle was white, I did this to make it fit in with the rest of my colour scheme. I then grouped all the shapes together to make it easier to move them, I did this by holding the control button and selecting the three rectangles individually and right clicking and selecting the group option. I then converted them to a movie clip with the rest of the other information for the form, I did this by right clicking on all of the highlighted information and selecting convert to symbol, I changed the drop down option to movie clip and gave it a relevant name. I pressed finished and then gave the form a suitable instance name. I had to copy and paste the background so that it would be on each of my forms. I then tested each form by entering the viewing page.

 C. How the development work will fit into the brief 

This will fit into my brief because in my brief I said I need to attract potential students to this college by adding shapes and making the forms look professional and appealing this will keep the user interested and think we are professional. By adding a background this will attract students which is part c of my client brief.


D. Skills table reference number  24

Blog 13

A. Blog entry – 11/07/2013 -  creating an animation on adobe flash professional

 B. Development work 

I searched the internet for a suitable image, once found I saved it into my unit 11 IMP folder. I then opened up adobe Photoshop and I imported the newly saved image, I did this by pressing file and then import this took me to my documents. I navigated to my unit 11 IMP folder and highlighted the image and pressed import. This then imported the image into adobe photoshop.  I then selected the lasso tool to edit the image so that I could just take the head of the persons body. I pressed the image with lasso tool and held the mouse down until I created a circular shape around the head of the persons body on the image. I then let go of the mouse and deleted the area around the new circular shape.  Once fully edited I saved the file as a JPEG and saved it into my IMP folder, I did this by pressing file, save as and I named it animation picture. I then opened up adobe flash professional were I imported the image onto my library. I did this by pressing file and then import image to library. I navigated through my documents until I found my newly edited image, I selected the image and then pressed import. This then imported the image in to the library. I then dragged it onto the layers and converted it to a movie clip with the registration point in the centre. I gave it a suitable name and changed the instance name to cog1 I then went to the coding layer and entered this code:

var speed:Number = 0;
var increase:Number = 0.2;
var minSpeed:Number = 0;
var maxSpeed:Number = 20;
var maxedSpeed:Boolean = false;

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ef);

function ef(e:Event):void
 if(speed >= maxSpeed) maxedSpeed = true;
 if(speed <= minSpeed) maxedSpeed = false;
  speed +=increase;
  cog1.rotation += speed;
  speed -=increase;
  cog1.rotation -= speed;

I then tested the animation by exporting the file and viewing the whole IMP, I navigated through all of the main forms which I put the animation on to check the animation works on all of the forms.

 C. How the development work will fit into the brief 

This fits into my client brief because it is making the IMP more appealing and look professional which will attract potential students. It also makes the IMP more interactive which again fits into my client brief. This fits into part h of my client brief as I said I will insert animations and videos.



D. Skills table reference number  23

Blog 12

A. Blog entry – 10/07/2013 - adding audio to stage on adobe flash professional

 B. Development work 

I had saved a audio file into my unit 11 IMP folder for adobe flash professional which I had obtained from the palmers student share, I had to copy and paste the audio file into my folder. I didn't change the name of the file as this was key because it had to go into my coding. I select file open, this took me to my documents I navigated to my IMP unit 11 folder and selected my front end form, I then this pressed open. This then opened the front end on adobe flash professional which was my current work, I selected the code layer which was at the bottom of the application and right clicked and then selected actions. I then put in this code:

var channel:SoundChannel
var snd:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("SubMenuMusic.mp3"));             
channel =,3);//1000 ms after start of sound, 3 times

were the is speech marks I had to put the name of the audio file, so I put in "SubMenuMusic" this audio file was already saved into my unit 11 IMP folder. I then clicked off of the coding and tested the audio file by exporting the file and then viewing the whole IMP, I navigated to all of the main forms which includes games, videos , websites and gallery to make sure the audio was playing. Once I knew the audio played throughout all the forms I made sure I saved the front end form.

 C. How the development work will fit into the brief 

In my client brief in section H I said " I will add background music on the main menu" by doing this skill I have stuck to my client brief and made it more appealing to the user as they don't have to sit in silence whilst navigating through the IMP.

D. Skills table reference number  22

Blog 11

A. Blog entry – 09/07/2013 - converting forms into movie clips

 B. Development work 

I opened up adobe flash professional and opened my front end form file which has all my current work on it, I needed convert my forms into movie clips. I selected my Games form and highlighted all the buttons, images, text and actual form that I wanted to be on the games form, I then right clicked and selected convert to symbol. There was a drop down box which I clicked and selected the movie clip option. I also gave the form and suitable name which was frmGame I then gave the form the same instance which was frmGame. I then repeated the steps again for the four other forms that I have completed giving them suitable instance names. I had to make sure the instances names were suitable due to my coding. The instance names remand the same so that my coding would keep working no matter what changes I make. I then tested the forms to make sure they converted into a movie clip, I did this by entering the viewing page by pressing CTRL+ENTER.
Also I added new buttons, images and other information into each of the forms, to make sure that the IMP functions I had to break the form apart for example I added a new image to the games form. I right clicked the games form and selected break apart. I then deleted the saved file of the game form which was called frmGame. I then had to highlight all of the information I wanted on the games form including the new image. I highlighted them all by clicking one and holding control (ctrl) and then select another image, button, animation or background whilst still holding control. I made sure I had selected everything that I wanted on my games form then I right clicked and select convert to symbol, I clicked on the drop down menu and selected movie clip and gave it the name frmGame and then I pressed finished. I then had to enter the instance name so that there wouldn't be an error with the coding. I entered the instance name frmGame. I then retested the IMP by exporting the file and viewing the IMP, I navigated to the games form and all the correct information was on it and there was no errors.

 C. How the development work will fit into the brief 

In my client brief I said I would keep the IMP interactive, by converting the forms into a movie clip this allows the coding to work and for the  navigation of the whole IMP to work. This also makes the IMP user friendly which was another reason in my brief. This is part G of my client brief as I need to make it interactive and user friendly.

D. Skills table reference number  21

Blog 10

A. Blog entry – 08/07/2013 - editing images in Adobe Photoshop ( Improved)

 B. Development work 

I opened up adobe photoshop and selected a new blank document, I then imported an image that I wanted to use on my IMP on adobe flash professional. I did this by clicking file and then import image. I navigated through my unit 11 folder and then into my images folder. I selected the relevant image and clicked import. This then imported the image into adobe photoshop.  I selected the lasso tool, I then clicked the image and the lasso tool allowed me  to cut out the unwanted parts in the image, to cut the unwanted parts I made sure the objects I wanted to delete were highlighted and then pressed delete, I deleted them but clicking file then delete. The image then had all the unwanted objects deleted and left me with the parts of the image I wanted to edit further. I also used more developed tools such as the magic wand tool, I used the tool to select the area of the image that I wanted to keep. To use this tool I clicked the centre of the image and it highlighted the parts of the image I wanted to keep. This also allowed my to change the colour of the background around the newly edited image.  I used brush tools and healing brush tools to retouch parts of the image, I set the brush size to 15 and then right clicked the image to retouch the faded and damaged areas, once I finished with this tool and deselected the tool by clicking on the arrow tool which allows you to change the position of the image. I then selected the colour replacement tool to make the image all the same colour, I selected a colour which is relevant to the rest of my IMP to keep consistency and then clicked on the image, this made the image blue which was the colour I chose.  I saved this file as a JPEG into my images folder which was in my unit 11 IMP folder. I then opened up my front end file in adobe flash professional. I then imported the JPEG file which I just finished editing. I did this by clicking file and then import to library I navigated through my files and selected the newly edited image and pressed import. The image was then put in my library I dragged the image onto my main menu form and grouped the form and converted it into a movie clip and gave it an instance name.

 C. How the development work will fit into the brief

My reason for this IMP is to attract potential students towards this college ( section C client brief) I edited the image so that its attractive and is appealing to users, which would keep them interested in the IMP. It also fits into the IMP being user friendly. Also the image keeps the user interested in the rest of the IMP.

D. Skills table reference number  20

Blog 9

A. Blog entry – 07/07/2013 - editing images in Adobe Photoshop

 B. Development work 

I opened up adobe Photoshop and selected a new document, I then imported an image that I wanted to use on my IMP. I did this clicking file and then import file, I navigated through my H drive and into my unit 11 folder to find the image. I selected the image and clicked import. The image then imported into adobe photoshop and onto the stage. I then selected the crop tool to cut out the parts of the image that I didn't want. Once I selected the crop tool and clicked the image it gave my the option to take parts of the image off, I then cropped the image horizontally as well as vertically, when the image was cropped to my liking I deselected the crop tool and clicked the arrow tool so that I could move the image around the screen.  I also had to change the colour of the background of the image, I selected the fill colour tool and picked the same colour blue that I have been using throughout my IMP, I clicked on the background to make it blue I then saved the image into my unit 11 IMP folder in a separate folder called images, I saved the images as a Jpeg image. I then opened up adobe flash professional, I selected file then import image to library, I browsed through my unit 11 IMP folder and then into my images folder and clicked on the one I edited in Photoshop.This then imported the newly edited image into the library of my IMP file.  I selected the free transform tool on adobe flash professional and clicked the image, once I clicked the image with the free transform tool it gave my the option to make the image larger or smaller, I made the image smaller but dragging the image diagonally to the left. When the image was the correct size I deselected the free transform tool.  I then made sure I saved the images into my unit 11 folder so that I could use them on my front end. I then grouped the image with the rest of the form by breaking the form apart and deleting the file in the library and then regroup the form but include the new image, I then converted the form into a movie clip and giving it a relevant name and then correct instance name.

 C. How the development work will fit into the brief

My reason for this IMP is to attract potential students towards this college ( section C client brief) I edited the image so that its attractive and is appealing to users, which would keep them interested in the IMP. It also fits into the IMP being user friendly.

D. Skills table reference number  19