Wednesday 4 September 2013

Blog 11

A. Blog entry – 09/07/2013 - converting forms into movie clips

 B. Development work 

I opened up adobe flash professional and opened my front end form file which has all my current work on it, I needed convert my forms into movie clips. I selected my Games form and highlighted all the buttons, images, text and actual form that I wanted to be on the games form, I then right clicked and selected convert to symbol. There was a drop down box which I clicked and selected the movie clip option. I also gave the form and suitable name which was frmGame I then gave the form the same instance which was frmGame. I then repeated the steps again for the four other forms that I have completed giving them suitable instance names. I had to make sure the instances names were suitable due to my coding. The instance names remand the same so that my coding would keep working no matter what changes I make. I then tested the forms to make sure they converted into a movie clip, I did this by entering the viewing page by pressing CTRL+ENTER.
Also I added new buttons, images and other information into each of the forms, to make sure that the IMP functions I had to break the form apart for example I added a new image to the games form. I right clicked the games form and selected break apart. I then deleted the saved file of the game form which was called frmGame. I then had to highlight all of the information I wanted on the games form including the new image. I highlighted them all by clicking one and holding control (ctrl) and then select another image, button, animation or background whilst still holding control. I made sure I had selected everything that I wanted on my games form then I right clicked and select convert to symbol, I clicked on the drop down menu and selected movie clip and gave it the name frmGame and then I pressed finished. I then had to enter the instance name so that there wouldn't be an error with the coding. I entered the instance name frmGame. I then retested the IMP by exporting the file and viewing the IMP, I navigated to the games form and all the correct information was on it and there was no errors.

 C. How the development work will fit into the brief 

In my client brief I said I would keep the IMP interactive, by converting the forms into a movie clip this allows the coding to work and for the  navigation of the whole IMP to work. This also makes the IMP user friendly which was another reason in my brief. This is part G of my client brief as I need to make it interactive and user friendly.

D. Skills table reference number  21

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