Wednesday 4 September 2013

Blog 15

A. Blog entry – 13/07/2013 - adding effects to buttons on adobe flash professional (improved)

 B. Development work 

I opened up adobe flash professional and selected file, open, this then took my to my documents I navigated to my unit 11 IMP folder and selected my front end form flash file and I pressed open. This then opened up my front end into flash. I double clicked one of my buttons, then it showed a different menu on my timeline which allowed me to edit the button to change the effects that are on it. I  right clicked on the up option and selecting insert a key frame, this then added an effect to the button. I also wanted another effect so I added a key frame on hit option, the button now has multiple effects on it. I repeated this with all of my buttons so that they would get the same effect to keep consistency throughout all of my buttons. The effect I used was when the button is hovered over the button will light up and go a lighter blue. This will work on all of my buttons throughout all of my forms including the fixed buttons which are to the right of the forms such as games, videos, website, gallery and main menu buttons. Also I added the button effects on the buttons which are on the individual form such as all the video scene buttons and all the different games such as the scratch game button and the quiz game button. I then tested all the buttons to make sure that they all have the effect applied onto them. I did this by exporting the file and entering the viewing screen of the whole IMP. I then navigated through all of the forms to make sure the buttons had effects working on them.

C. How the development work will fit into the brief 
In my client brief I said that I would make the IMP interactive and also I said that my IMP would have different screens for the different information, Also it said to make the IMP user friendly by adding buttons to the forms it will be easier for users to navigate around the IMP. Also I made the IMP more appealing by adding effects to the buttons. Section C of the client brief I said I want it to impact the target audience and I want to attract potential students, by adding effects to buttons it will help me to succeed that target.


D. Skills table reference number  25

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