Wednesday 4 September 2013

Blog 13

A. Blog entry – 11/07/2013 -  creating an animation on adobe flash professional

 B. Development work 

I searched the internet for a suitable image, once found I saved it into my unit 11 IMP folder. I then opened up adobe Photoshop and I imported the newly saved image, I did this by pressing file and then import this took me to my documents. I navigated to my unit 11 IMP folder and highlighted the image and pressed import. This then imported the image into adobe photoshop.  I then selected the lasso tool to edit the image so that I could just take the head of the persons body. I pressed the image with lasso tool and held the mouse down until I created a circular shape around the head of the persons body on the image. I then let go of the mouse and deleted the area around the new circular shape.  Once fully edited I saved the file as a JPEG and saved it into my IMP folder, I did this by pressing file, save as and I named it animation picture. I then opened up adobe flash professional were I imported the image onto my library. I did this by pressing file and then import image to library. I navigated through my documents until I found my newly edited image, I selected the image and then pressed import. This then imported the image in to the library. I then dragged it onto the layers and converted it to a movie clip with the registration point in the centre. I gave it a suitable name and changed the instance name to cog1 I then went to the coding layer and entered this code:

var speed:Number = 0;
var increase:Number = 0.2;
var minSpeed:Number = 0;
var maxSpeed:Number = 20;
var maxedSpeed:Boolean = false;

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ef);

function ef(e:Event):void
 if(speed >= maxSpeed) maxedSpeed = true;
 if(speed <= minSpeed) maxedSpeed = false;
  speed +=increase;
  cog1.rotation += speed;
  speed -=increase;
  cog1.rotation -= speed;

I then tested the animation by exporting the file and viewing the whole IMP, I navigated through all of the main forms which I put the animation on to check the animation works on all of the forms.

 C. How the development work will fit into the brief 

This fits into my client brief because it is making the IMP more appealing and look professional which will attract potential students. It also makes the IMP more interactive which again fits into my client brief. This fits into part h of my client brief as I said I will insert animations and videos.



D. Skills table reference number  23

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