Wednesday 4 September 2013

Blog 8

A.Blog entry – 06/07/2013  adding code to a game

B. Development work

 Firstly I opened up a new flash file so that I could start my Rock, paper , scissors game. I created two forms, one was layers and the other was actions/code. I then added a background colour of blue to fit in with the rest of the forms. I added a unload button which would take you back to the games form when connected. I entered an instance name for the button so that it would connect with the games form when I added it to the IMP, I then uploaded three images and converted them into a symbol, I changed the drop down menu to buttons and then clicked finished so that the images would now be converted into buttons and gave each an instance name, so that they would interact with the coding that I would put in. I also created a text box which would show if the user had won, lost or drawn by text showing up. Once I created all the layers I clicked on the code layer and then right clicked so that I could click on actions, I then added coding so that the unload button would work and also coding for the game. Also coding for the buttons to interact with the game and coding for the text box to show feedback according to how well the user is doing. When I finished the coding I checked to see if the game would work I then saved the document, it worked so I had to connect it with the game form, I created a button on the games form which would take me to the new game. I coded the button by entering an instance name for the new button created on the game form and then using the coding I connected it to the new rock, paper, scissor game. I then wanted to test that the games form connected with the new game and that the new game actually works, I did this by saving the new game and the new button on the game form. I exported the IMP file so that I was able to view the whole IMP. I navigated to the games and clicked the new rock paper scissors button, it took me to the new game, I clicked one of the buttons to see if the game worked. The game gave feedback after I clicked the button and the game worked accordingly.

C. How the development work will fit into the brief

My client brief said that it would make the IMP interactive and user friendly, by adding buttons to the games form which would take you to other forms it makes the IMP easier to navigate and also more interactive. I think  by adding more games it fits into my target audience as it will entertain them and also keep them interested in the IMP. This is section g in my client brief.

D. Skills table reference number: 18

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