Tuesday 9 July 2013

Blog 5

A. Each Blog entry needs a Blog title and Date 22/06/2013, Converting images into buttons, adobe flash professional, Working with labels, adobe flash professional

B. Development work

 we had been  given a template of a gallery on Adobe Flash Professional , the images on this gallery template had nothing to do with what I was doing on my IMP. The first thing I had to do was find 4 images that were relevant to my topic and save them into the IMP folder. When I had done this, I imported them to the library by selecting file import to library and deleted the current images on the gallery, but wrote down their instance names. I then put my own images on the stage and gave them the same instance names as the previous images, I  made them appropriate sizes and placed them in a different layout which I thought looked professional. I then converted all of the images to symbols and then made them buttons in order to make it interactive I did this by right clicking on the image and selecting convert to symbol, I then made sure that the drop down menu had button selected, I then clicked finished and the image was converted into a button. I did this for four different images. I then finally added an unload button to close the galley when finished with it, I made sure I gave the unload button an appropriate instance name so that when I connect it with the form it will be able to take the user back to the form 

C. How the development work will fit into the brief - This will fit into my client brief because I said I will make it look professional and also make the IMP interactive with a gallery which will look presentable. Also it fits in with my target audience and is relevant to the IMP. Also I said in my client brief that I would make a form with interactive features on them.

D. Skills table reference number - 11 and 12

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