Thursday 27 June 2013

Blog 3

A. Blog entry – 20/06/2013. working with layers, importing images to library and converting image to symbol

B. Development work -  
I opened a new flash file and I set a appropriate stage size, I have selected 400x200 dimensions, I then selected the rectangle tool and used a dark blue to fit in with palmers colleges colours and filled the whole of the shape area. I then selected the text tool and typed in the phrase ' scratch me' on top of the rectangle shape. I used Trojan pro and used the bold text icon and font size 40 and used white font. On the timeline a locked layer 1 and inserted a new layer. I then imported my relevant image and resized the image to fit the shape with the free transform tool. I selected my image and converted it to a symbol by right clicking on it and selected convert to symbol and then I gave it a suitable name. I changed the instance name to maskedbg_mc.  I then added a new layer and named it actions and right clicked on the first frame and selected actions. I entered code so the layer so that the scratch game would work. I created a variable called mouseclick and set the number value to zero. I then created a new sprite called mask_mc and se the masked objects to the background image. This also adds the sprite onto the stage. I added three even listeners for the mouse down, move and up events. Each of the listeners have different functions.  

C. How the development work will fit into the brief in my client brief I said that I will make the IMP interactive by putting games onto it and also make it user friendly and easy to use, I have a done this by adding a scratch game and also adding buttons which will allow you to go back to the menu.

D. Skills table reference number - 6, 7 and 8

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